
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Some would say over the hump. I’m not there yet. The hump of this is too big, too dangerous, too expensive, too far. I guess this is the naysayers of missions? Or the people who don’t believe, either in me or in Christ. I try to stay on the positive side of things, but I want to be real with you. I do have my doubts and people in my life who say it’s not possible. But I also have a God who is the creator of life and controls all things. If I do not go on this trip, I still have faith in Christ that He will work in my life and lead me to where He wants me. Life will still go on. I will still be a disciple of Christ and work in missions.

2 responses to “Over the hill?”

  1. I’m very proud of you and your faith. Sometimes I stumble in my faith but as you saw this week God always shows me the way.

  2. I love your transparency, your way of sharing what’s real- that’s so you! Please continue, because it really expresses the journey to me and touches my heart. I read your past posts too! Praise God, your heart for Him is beautiful. I can’t wait to follow and support you on this journey! Praying for you Jenna!